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Brandie Carlos




I'm the Founder of Therapy for Latinx, Digital Marketing Strategist & Multi passionate Entrepreneur promoting mental health awareness🧠🙌🏾❤️✨💞 ✨ My goal is to connect people who are struggling with their mental health to resources that can assist them. I connect people who are having mental health challenges to therapist that are culturally inclusive, provide services with dignity, and see people as part of their community. 🧠 🕶 Using street smarts, psychology, digital marketing and biz dev to empower & support 73k+ Latinx through a Mental Health Movement 👌🏾 I lost my best friend to suicide in 2018, since then my mission has been that others don't have to lose the people they love too. I'm passionate about creating a community of care for the millions of others struggling with mental health challenges. 🌟 I dream of a world where therapy is normalized, accesible, and representative of all cultures and identities 🙌🏾 🗣 I've spoken about wellness on stages for HBO, Born this Way Foundation, We All Grow Latina, NAMI, and more 🗣 📲 Follow for daily advice on mental health to live a happier and healthier lifestyle. 🚨Multipasssionate Entrepreneur🚨 ✅ Founder Therapy for Latinx ✅ Public Speaking on mental wellness, tech, and Latinx representation ✅ Founder of Herencia Studios ✅ Creator of the Influential Therapist ✅ Owner Con Confianza Tax Services ✅ Human Design Informed Practitioner ✅ Look at her Brows Microblading I’m on this app to learn, build connection, and community 🌎 ✳️Happy to co moderate or collaborate ✳️ Interested in talking about: Mental health 🧠 , tech 👩🏻‍💻 , Los Angeles, Instagram, Marketing, Business, Astrology, Healing, Human Design, Tarot, Feminine Dating 🚺 , Attraction, Poetry, Writing, Personal Development, Public Speaking 🗣 , Celiac Disease, Psychedelics 🍄, Latina, Founder, NFT, Bitcoin, Real Estate 🧠 Therapy Resources 🧠 ❤️ If you are in a life threatening situation call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, a free, 24-hour hotline, at 1-800-273-8255 or text "NAMI" TO 741741. Your call will be routed to the crisis center near you. If your issue is an emergency, call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room. ❤️ She/Her Projector ✨ Capricorn Sun ☀️ Pisces Rising 🌊 Gemini Moon 🌙 📍 Tongva Land 📍Born, raised, and working in East LA 💌 [email protected] DMs are Open ⬇️ Personal IG: @iambrandiecarlos