Bradley Gretzinger
The monetary impact of mental illness on employers in 🇨🇦 is >$51B a year (2015, CAMH). This is not including the cost to employees/all stakeholders. We get to write NEW policy…. Aligning Economy w/ Ecology: Indigenomics - Carol Anne Hilton Doughnut Economics - Kate Raworth Sacred Economics - Charles Eisenstein To Integrate Inside-Out: The Body Keeps The Score - Bessel van der Kolk Your Resonant Self - Sarah Peyton 7 Habits - Stephen Covey Mastery - Robert Greene Business/Organization Growth: Good to Great - Jim Collins 5th Discipline - Peter Senge Theory U - Otto Scharmer 📚 *transmute coercion to collaboration For Example: New Hollywood w/ Evette Vargas, The Angel, Lori-Ann Speed, and the list is vast✨Find your people, keep them close, and pls explore honouring an ethos of interdependence. Thank you! — Learning & Development for: I. Entrepreneurs, Professionals, Creatives, II. Executives, Business Owners, SMEs BCOM ‘14 UBC Breathwork improves vagal tone 🌬️🌱🌳 Sleep is the best drug on the market ✨#WhyWeSleep - Matthew Walker