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Brad Costanzo




Investor, founder, advisor, mentor, CEO. I love marketing and innovation. Sometimes I tell good stories, some of them are even true. Live in 🏖San Diego, California with my wife Kenia I’ve started, run and sold multiple companies from SaaS to media and DTC e-commerce. Some of them were even successful! Recently founded “A better way to buy CBD” 💰Costanzo Capital: speculative and income investing or acquisitions in to small to mid size companies across multiple industries with proven business models 📈Costanzo Marketing Group: CEO Brand accelerator, incubator and growth hacking 🎧 Podcast: "" Interested in mental models, lifestyle design, branding, direct response marketing, finance, investments, personal development, leadership Holdings and interest in DTC, B2B, e-commerce, Fintech, Space and satellite launch tech, media, blockchain and real estate There’s probably something sweet at 👉🏼 Shoot me an e-mail at [email protected] Or DM me on Twitter or Instagram and mention Clubhouse