Deep-& Talent-tech angel investor driven by PURPOSE and an unhealthy obsession with behavioural science, consciousness and carbon based as well as artificial intelligence. 🇸🇪🇫🇷🇬🇧🇩🇪🇨🇭🇪🇸 Join the Nordic Tech Club to be notified about all future events. People are not being replaced by technology (YET!) - they are being replaced by people who use technology! Don’t worry if things around you turn upside down. Maybe the side you’re used to actually isn’t better than the one to come... I’m an upside down software engineer and my first name is actually just ‘Boris’. Curious possibilian, nerd, student of human behaviour, strategist and investor (SAAS, Talent- & HR-Tech, ...) where PURPOSE meets digital meets human capital meets product. Work like you don't need the money and love like you've never been hurt, but most importantly dance like nobody's watching! Longterm member of the PPSC - if you know, you know ;-) [email protected]