Saami Bloom
[SAH-mee] in the club. (they/he)📍SF Studio. Founder, Creative Dir., INDIVIDUAL™️, the personal branding and media company. 🎼 Co-creator of Clubhouse (un)official theme song with @idaflo 🎭 Artist working in the medium of real characters 🎤 Beatboxing is a protest in the form of joy ⏳ Personhood is a grand act of becoming 🪔 Ancestors lit the lamp I carry 💜 Lead with your heart and the right people will go with you GIVE Talk shop. Jam. Discuss. Coach. Advise. Consult. Be. TAKE - Leaders seriously interested in developing their personal platforms to accelerate the mission that feels like a meaningful use of their precious life - Speaking engagements around subjects of creativity, branding, social impact, media and personal development