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Ede Fox




I coach women to lose weight, reduce inflammation & optimize health with the carnivore diet. If you’re ready to transform your body, learn more about my MAXIMUM WEIGHT LOSS program – link in IG Bio👇🏾 🗣Ede sounds like Ay-day Diet and mindset coach, YouTuber, Podcaster.
⬇️ 80lbs on keto
🥩 Carnivore since 2017
▶️ Black Carnivore YouTube Channel 🎤 Host of The Black Carnivore Podcast Tuesdays 7pm ET 🎤 Moderator of Carnivore Basics on CLUBHOUSE Tuesdays 8:15pm ET ✅Cured asthma & allergies on dairy-free carnivore ✅Cured chronic sinus infections ✅Cured chronic yeast infections ✅ Ended sugar cravings completely ✅Reversed chronic inflammation and arthritis ✅Gained mental clarity ✅Gained endless energy I help you: 🙂Gain control of blood sugar 🙂Improve blood markers 🙂Lose weight and keep it off 🙂Eliminate sugar cravings 🙂Gain energy 🙂Increase mental acuity 🔴Exercise helpful but not required until you’re ready 🔴No pills or supplements 🔴No calorie counting 🔴Eat when hungry, stop when full 1913 🐘🔺 🎨artist 🎥Content creator 💪🏾Change maker 🐩 Dog mom to Ruby the Aussiedoodle DM me, I’m here to help👇🏾