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Elaine C Walker




🖤 Impact Entrepreneur 🏆Forbes Featured & Multiple Award Winning Founder of The Good Morning Africa Group (GMA) 🏆GMA Group has a reach of over 10 Million in the network throughout the continent of Africa and Diaspora. 🏆Our Interests are in Education, Edtech, Proptech, MedTech, Innovation, Investment, Women in Business, Property &Construction and Tech in Africa, Football, F1 🏆 Mentor for Women 🏆 Mentor For Parents: Mother of 2 of the top 20 brightest children in the UK. Endorsed by MENSA Co Founder of Elite Mums Africa Network Membership of 10k mums on the continent and the diaspora. Building Mums Net a community for women and mothers on the continent and in the diaspora. I took a business from nothing to 7 figures, by tapping into my passion. I am here to support other women to do the same. Book a chat with me on my IG linktree. I want you to win in 2024 I can help Companies and Individuals from early talent to growth, visibility and business in Africa. Let’s Connect Investor looking for a start up on Africa I can help! My aim is to help you build a legacy in Africa through strategic government partnerships. DM to join the Sister Circle Whatsapp group Featured 📺 BBC, Channel 5, Channel 4 📻 BBC Radio 📰 Forbes, Guardian, Metro, 📰The Telegraph, Tatler Schools Guide, Guardian, Evening Standard Join the Club: Good Morning Africa To see the rooms that we run under the club Board Member of NGO Girl Code Africa Syka Fintech Kunda Kids Check out my other brands 💻 💻 💻 Email:[email protected] Looking at Connecting with companies that want to leverage their brand in Africa and the Diaspora with HNW and Governments. Linkedin: