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Copyright© HEAL THE SELF through THE ARTS 📝 2022 was an impactful year. All glory be to God. NYC + LA + HTX + LONDON + ATL + MIA #WeGlobal I am here to listen, laugh, learn, build, add value, connect, create & advance. Peace & blessings. 👁 Featured on BBC Radio London, Yahoo Finance, AP News, MarketWatch, Benzinga, 2 News, FOX News, Sirius XM, The Source & more. Dean at Blacktop UniverseCity® 📚 “The Love Bomb Room® 💐♥️ “Come In… Let Us Compliment You” #CatchTheseCompliments™️ 🤲🏽 Music Submissions: [email protected] ENJOY! 😎 🇵🇭 🇺🇸 🏳️‍🌈