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Copy the digital business card link to connect with Dr. Bettie Davis: 📚Author: God’s Birthing Room: Purpose Birthed Though Pain (Amazon) ✳️🗣🎤Speaker ✝️Servant Leader ✝️Believer/Lover of God ✝️Spirit-filled Ordained Pastor/Minister 🙏🏿Intercessor 🔥Glory Carrier 👑 Kingdom Connector ✝️Founder of The Master’s Midwives Ministry ✳️Spiritual midwife💕 ✳️Stephen’s Minister ✳️🎓Graduate of In Search of Purpose…En Route to Destiny discipleship program of Polished Arrows International. 🎓🩺Master Of Science in Nursing Education and Leadership 🎓Graduate of Command and General Staff College PhD Divinity Truth Bible University 🇺🇸Major-Army Veteran/Retired Army Nurse 💚 Certified Adult Mental Health First Aide USA ✳️Over-Comers group facilitator for women from various backgrounds struggling with alcoholism, drug abuse and incarceration. ✳️Dedicated to perfecting the saints through the Word of God ✳️Educator🩺 ✝️ I believe that “only the seed of the Word of God received, confessed, declared, decreed and obeyed can save a dying world”. ✳️Awards: 🔺The President’s Lifetime Achievement Aware (awarded by President Joseph Biden) 🔺Triumphant Award ✝️Woman of Valor 2023 ✝️ Nominated & Awarded Honorary Doctorate in Divinity ✳️My goal is to encourage and empower others to birth the dreams and visions God has impregnated them with. 💕Wife, mother, grandmother 💕 My interest include: Wellness: Spirit, Soul & body. Kingdom Advancement. Prophetic Teaching. Praise & Worship CASH-APP $BettieD Facebook group: The Master’s Midwives