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Reena Friedman Watts




🎙Better Call Daddy Podcast 📚Storytelling 🧱Community Building 👩🏻‍💻Mompreneur 🦵Kicking 🚪Down Doors Entrepreneur, podcaster, mom of four kids, wife, coach, community grower, storytelling junkie – and none of what I do ever feels like work. ✍ Well, maybe the mom part. 👦 👦 👦 👦 But the other stuff: making magic; constantly connecting; learning and growing with each connection; sharing my resources with others? I can’t get enough. 👊 When people start talking, my wheels start spinning, and ideas start bubbling. 🍾 I can see your big picture, the steps that it’ll take to get you there, and the people you’ll need along the way. I’m always jonesing for a story. 🎯 I started bird-dogging stories for The Jerry Springer show and never looked back. 🎥 I’m hooked on telling the stories of outsiders. Maybe that’s because there weren’t many Jews where I grew up, and I know how they feel. 🇮🇱 I tell the stories that no one else will tell. At least not the way I do it. It’s kinda my thing. And then I get my daddy’s advice about what I uncovered. Golden. Better Call Daddy! 🙊 👉 👈 📲 Follow my Facebook Business Page Business, Laughs, and Linkedin ✍️