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Bessie Moloi




A Writer by nature and an Entrepreneur by design. 📝Writer of crafty copy for small businesses. I provide content that supports businesses and help them grow. I can provide content for blogs, web pages, articles, e-newsletters, and social media. 👉🏼 Besides crafting awesome content, I am also a mother of 4 kids 💗💗 who rock my word💞. 😇 I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. 😇 God is 1st in my life. 🙏🏽Prayer warrior 💒Kingdom business 😍I love... 🌻Reading 🌻Writing (obviously🙄🤭) 🌻Spending awesome cool time with my family😎 🌻Traveling 🌻Entrepreneurship 🌻Meeting new people 🌻My cup of coffee ☕ and glass of 🍷 😊I am also devoted to helping women be their authentic selves in order to lead fulfilling lives. 🤵🏽‍♀️I coach women on how to live authentic lives uninhibited by fear. I share nuggets of wisdom and practical tips and motivate women through my blog 👩🏽‍💻 Create Your True Self ( 🎤Aspiring speaker. I have a desire to inspire and make an impact, one life at a time. 📚 Aspiring author. 👀 Interested in... ⭐Networking ⭐Collaboration ⭐Property investments ⭐Women in Business ⭐Health & Wellness ⭐Public Speaking ⭐Social Media Mastery ⭐Spiritually ⭐Mom-Work Balance 💃 Clubhouse Super Fan 💃 My Current Hats 👒 👒Founder & CEO of Bessie Writes Copy 👒Founder & CEO of Create Your True Self  (Personal Development Coaching) 👒ECommerce store owner 👒Network Marketing Professional Why Clubhouse 🤔? 🎯 To Learn 🎯 To Connect 🎯 Share Value 🎯 Support Others 🎯 Collaborate - Nothing is more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others. - 😊😊😊