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Behzad Fatahi




⚖️”Leaders give their seats up first” 🇦🇺Head of Discipline (Geotech & Transport) 👨🏻‍💻Professor of Civil/Geotech/Earthquake Eng 🏛University of Technology Sydney (UTS) 🏆Named Young Railway Engineer of Year in Australasia 👨🏻‍💻🚆🛣 Extensive industry experience as civil/geotechnical and railway engineer, CPEng, FIEAust (dam construction, road and railway construction, infrastructure design, etc): Coffey, ACRI, SES, Kayson 🏗✍🏻🎤Leader, Author, Chartered Engineer, Researcher, Keynote Speaker, Board Member 🏕🚙Love Camping and Road Trips 🫖Green Tea Lover 🛎Applied Leadership: Stay tuned on: 🎡Advocate for Work-Life Harmony 📧Email: [email protected] 🛢Professor Fatahi has been recently working on optimisation of design and construction of large cryogenic tanks to store energy resources such as LNG and Hydrogen. In particular, he is expert in analysing response of complex structural systems considering soil-foundation-structure-fluid interaction under dynamic loading. 🛣For more than two decades, Behzad has been involved in Civil and Geotechnical Engineering projects uninterruptedly. He started as an intern in high rise building construction site, then got involved in geotechnical site investigations and reporting, and later being the site manager of a large embankment dam construction. Afterward, He worked as a full-time researcher for Rail Innovation Australia Pty Ltd. conducting research to improve performance of rail tracks built on soft soils to minimise the maintenance costs. Later on, he was a part of very strong geotechnical design teams in several alliance projects around Australia mainly on road and highway construction/upgrade and also had the chance to be involved in forensic and confidential projects for mining sector in Australia while working in Coffey Geotechnics Pty Ltd. He joined academia (UTS) to train future engineers and conduct practical and cutting edge research for industry. He was honoured by the Australian Research Council to be the leader of large research project about soil creep prediction and the effects on the maintenance cost of infrastructures. He is currently supervising several PhD candidates in the fields of Civil/Geotechnical/Structural Engineering at UTS