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Cyndilu Miller




• ✍🏼 Author of becoming BOLD You ✍🏼 • The creator of the beBOLDyou™ Personality Expressions System which promotes that we all get to choose who we want to BECOME! Some of my mottos are: We all have a voice. The choice to use that voice lies within your heart! Your Voice. Your Choice. Your Room. Your Rules. Speak with Compassion. Listen with Understanding. Respond with Mercy! In New Zealand 🇳🇿 Living Life Out Loud 🎤 singing spontaneous joy giving songs created live! Born in 🇺🇸 Houses * BecomingBOLDYou 👩🏼‍🎤 beBOLDyou™ Interviews 📚 ʙᴇᴄᴏᴍɪɴɢBOLDʏᴏᴜ the book. Take quiz: beBOLDyou™ Personality Expressions 💪🏼Brazen 🧭 Origami ⚡️Lightning 🤗 Devoted beBOLDyou™ Me:50/50 ⚡️💪🏼 • Type 7 • ENFP • Kolbe A: 4573 • CliftonStrengths™: Strategic Ideation Achiever Positivity Learner • True Colours:Blue ✊🏼 Another side is Cyndilu the LOL Live Online Learning guide. Your Creative Digital Dynamo! Helping you build your skills for Canva, Online Business Tools, and Other Apps too! Step by Step Tutorials with a Personal Touch. Cyndilu’s HowTos, I’ve got you covered! • Don’t Google It. Cyndilu IT! • Financial Blessings: $Cyndilu55 Buy Me a Coffee or Pizza Joy Giving Activities: 💃 🧑‍🎨 🖼 📸 🛼 👩🏼‍💻 🎧 🎤 💭 🤔🌈 ☀️ 🎳 👇🏼DM Me Here👇🏼