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North Carolina 🐂🌆 Bull City Durham The motivation for me is them telling me what I could not be!! #Ambitious 🔵🟡 North Carolina Agriculture & Technical State Universiry (AGGIE PRIDE) ((Business Administration)) Part owner of: A.C.T Productions BRRB Investments LLC •God 🙏🏾🙌🏾 •Business mindset 👨🏾‍💼 📝📚 •Leader 🕴🏿 •Investor 💵 (You got an idea?? We can connect) •Husband and Father of 2 beautiful girls 👭🏾👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 •Events GSO/Durham/Raleigh/DMV/Miami •Real estate/ Right of Way/ Transportation/ Land Acquisitions/ Project Management •NCDOT State and Federal Highway Administration If it’s poppin... I want in! I connect the pieces. I learn from listening.... ✖️Sports talk 🏀 🏈 ⚾️ ✖️(UNC 👣 fan, Carolina Panthers 🐆 fan, Durham Bulls fan) ✖️Politics and current events ✖️Stock Investments ✖️Music ✖️Business ✖️Philanthropy ✖️Diverse Management One of my main focuses is Land acquisition/ Real Estate/ Transportation and Project Management. I’ve acquired land all along central North Carolina. I’ve project managed massive budgets and huge highway projects in North Carolina. Linkden contact: 🚨((Page still under construction))🚨