Nita Saint-Hilaire
Sending the elevator back down through Progressive Haiti To unite the global Haitian community as an “investment force” in order to sustainably impact and influence the development of the Republic of Haiti Join to make a difference @ Marketing and all things data. Blockchain. Cybersecurity. Quantum. Data Architect & Engineer | Analytics | Data Science | Quantum Computing Fellow (in progress) 20 years Corporate Experience 10+ years Ad Agency + Consultancy Experience 📈📉 Newbie Trader 👩🏾💻 Tech Founder & Developer Building with intention Sustainable cities powered by light & Biometric identity management through encrypted networks Scalable platforms & Technology enablement 🌌 Kosmic Traveler 🌍 🇭🇹 Haitian Nomad NY -> FL ♑️ Cap Sun/Moon ♈️ Aries Rising Awake, Aware, Ascending Mother to 3 Starseeds Connect Modernize Central Banking Founder @ AXJ Founder @ Solcite Co-Founder @ Three Indigo Co-Founder @ oxum CTO @ Pretty Penny Dancer/Choreographer | Launched NY’s 1st Hip Hop Dance Competition (SWEAT) Haitians in Tech @haitiansintech Volunteer @ BlackGirlsCode