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Barbara Annis




🌎 Global expert on Gender Intelligence, and Inclusion Investor, Philanthropist Now single! 🌅CEO of Gender Intelligence Group Inc. 245 Park Avenue 39th floor, New York, 10167 Investor, Philanthropist TEDx speaker Author of 5 best selling books Guest lecturer at Harvard, Stanford, UCLA, Yale, NYU and others Featured on CNN, CBS, NBC, PBS, CBC, Wall Street, Forbes, NY Times etc. Coach to CEOs, entrepreneurs, executives, Hollywood celebrities and top public sector leaders. Some Clients include NASA, American Express, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, SAP, Deloitte, PWC, ebay, PayPal, Microsoft, Google, Twitter, IKEA, BMO, Pfizer, Dove, Costco, Governments, Military, Police, Universities and many more 🎯 As experts in Gender Intelligence, Diversity and Inclusion for 30 years, we have a powerful track record in advancing and retention of women, diversity, and create inclusive cultures that impacts lasting results. 💡Executive Coaching 💡“Be Gender Intelligent” Course 💡”Be Inclusive” Learning Nudges 💡GenderIntelligenceShow Podcast 💡Cultural and Leadership Diagnostics 💡Women Leadership and Authenticity Chair Emeritus and current Member of Women’s Leadership Board at Harvard Kennedy School Serving on many boards 🏆14 Outstanding Achievement Awards and MVP award Sony 🏆Sundance Film Festival Award 🏆Lifetime Achievement Award IWAA Investor in: ✔️www.81monkeys ✔️ ✔️BlockX ✔️Ethereum ✔️Learning Nudges ✔️ChoreApp ✔️Sudoku Stramble ✔️My Work My Wellbeing Philanthropist: 🙏Doctor without Borders 🙏St. Margaret Hospital 🙏St. Jude Children’s Hospital 🙏Harvard’s Women Public Policy Program 🙏School in Nigeria 🙏Women Entrepreneurs 🙏 Passionate about creating Inclusive and Gender Intelligent organizations around the world. Listen to our Podcast: Join me on LinkedIn Email me: [email protected]
