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Baratunde Thurston




✊🏾 I’m a speaker, writer, and host holding space for hard and complex conversations — generally on themes of race, culture, politics, and technology — with a unique blend of humor, wisdom, and compassion. Founder How To Citizen club and the Cultivated Wit club at bottom of my bio on the far left. 🎙 Podcast creator/host How To Citizen w Baratunde 📖 Author NYT best-seller How To Be Black 🗣 TED Speaker How To Deconstruct Racism 4.9M views 📺 Emmy-nominated host. Writer on Yara Shahidi project. Former exec The Daily Show, The Onion 📍Los Angeles, CA I’m on Clubhouse to experiment with community, connect, and learn. Also sometimes I bring my dope mic and sound equipment and just sound buttery because I can. Thanks pandemic! ☎️ TEXT me: +1-202-894-8844 with word “clubhouse” to get updates on my clubbiness. —— Fun facts: 👥 Serve on the boards of and Brooklyn Public Library. 🐿 I secretly love the backyard critters who eat all the food —— 🙌🏾 Testimonials 🙌🏾 ⁃ “One of the greatest TED talks of all time.” NBC’s Brian Williams
 ⁃ “This show breaks down the overwhelming feeling of being an American in this moment in time and makes change feel possible and concrete. It’s grounding and inspiring in such uncertain times.” Willa BR Apple Podcasts review. 
 ⁃ “I wish I could start every day with a Baratunde keynote. I can already tell you that I’m going to be better today, tomorrow, and forever for having listened to his words.” Speaking client