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🎈 Creative Director at Balloon Babe MTL 👑 Disney Enthusiast 👩🏻‍🎓 Full-time Business Student, Graduating 2021 👩🏻‍💼 Pivoting -> Accounting to Business Consulting 🏆 Academic Delegate for JMSB 👇🏼WHAT THIS LEAD ME TO ACHIEVE 👇🏼 ⭐️Providing balloon services for over +500 clients 🧸Sponsored +10 Children’s Hospital Events 👩🏻‍💼Panelist for +5 Women in business conferences ✨I ASPIRE TO INSPIRE✨ —————— 🇨🇦Team builder in the MONTREAL CONNECTED Clubhouse Rooms 👇🏼Check out our rooms 🌞10:00 am EST-Good Morning Montreal ✅1:30 pm EST-Montreal’s Mid-Day Check-Ins 🗣8:00 pm EST-Topic Specific Convos —————— 🎈THE BALLOON CLUB Talking about all things related to balloons and connecting the balloon community closer than ever! COMING SOON 🔜 ___________ Interests in Clubhouse: 👉🏼Business Leadership 👉🏼Events Industry 👉🏼Career Pivoting 👉🏼Management Consulting 👉🏼Disney 👉🏼Case Competition 👉🏼Spiritual Talk 👉🏼Social Media Management 📍MONTREAL, CANADA 🦋SHOW ME SOME LOVE ON INSTAGRAM🦋