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Brian Bachand




🤔Did you hear the one about the Former Priest, Exec and Entrepreneur who walked into Clubhouse👋❓ Surprise😳 All three are wrapped up in one person. Yes, it’s me in that photo you just tapped on. Nice to meet you! My life has been an evolution. I help professionals stand in their truth and freely embrace what they desire in their heart to joyfully become Powerful Evolved Leaders. 🔺Bottom Line: I believe less is not going to “list pitch” you all my professional services and how I am the most fabulous person 🕺to change your life! ✴️ Instead, one of my greatest joys has been an opennes to connecting and establishing authentic conversations. Welcome to hear from you...follow that internal nudge to reach many people can say they are connected with someone that spent time at the Vatican 🇻🇦became an Executive in NYC 🗽and now an Entrepreneur globally based out of Toronto 🍁? 👉 👉[email protected] 👉 Founder of evolution evolution (currently being updated...always evolving!) ✨If you made it this far...I appreciate you. Here are some quick facts about me before you tap away... 🇺🇸 🇨🇦 Dual Citizen 💰💸 Professional Fundraiser/Investor 📣 Inspirational Speaker 🧘 Meditation and Breathing Teacher ✈️ Commercial Airline Geek 🎗Current Chair of the Board for ACCES 💡Thought Leader/Mentor at Collective Brains - A platform that unites business advisors and mentors with your needs( 😎 Look forward to hearing from you...I always tell myself when reaching out... YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE & EVERYTHING TO GAIN!