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K I Korah




I am an Indian Air force Veteran and presently working as a Family Welfare Architect in BABLI Fin Tech. My mission is to give a scientific personal financial education to indian citizen . When they achieve Financial freedom, automatically India will get financial Independance. I have cleared Chartered Financial Goal planner ( CFGP®), Advanced Financial Goal planning ( AFGP®) and Certified Personal Financial Specialist Courses ( CPFS) from American Academy of Financial Management in India ( AAFM). Also cleared Magnetic Financial Prenure ( MFP) and Excelent Financial Prenure ( EFP) from India's best finacial education centre Next Level Academy. Presently learning Qualified Personal Financial Proffessional ( QPFP) from Net work FP. Meanwhile I completed NLP Sales Mastery , The Billionaire Mindset, , Mind Mastery,, Law of Attraction courses from Dr. P P Vijayan .Life Line. My vision is to spread the financial knowledge to minimum 10000 Indian Citizens and make my Country top in the world. We have to make money work for us, even while we are sleeping. We should have passive income along with Active income. We have to have mental health , for that we have to condition our mind. I have a firm " Brilliant and Best Legal Investment Fin Tech (BABLI Fin Tech) If you want toknow more and achieve Financial freedom contact me in [email protected] or 9447225295. You tube :. Bablifintech FB.: Bablifintech. Personal FB: Kodiyattu Idiculla Korah Linked in: [email protected] Financial Apps are "Babli Wealth" and "Fintso" .A Web application for my customers is also available in google as""