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Azhaab Legend




🗣Home //🌍=//🇸🇴Somalia// 🇬🇧united kingdom 🥶🥶 🗣Understand this, you can sound confident yet have anxiety , you can look healthy but feel sick . You can look happy and be miserable . You can be good looking yet feel ugly, so be kind because everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about🙌 🗣games //=🎮/🎱/🎲/♟%! 💀💀 🗣If you choose me, you'll have to handle all my 99 different personalities👆 🗣Kindly follow me up my socials !🙏 🗣Instagram =azhaab22 🗣Snapchat = elsharawyconol19 🗣Tiktok =mohaabdi187 🗣WhatsApp= +260974729759 🗣=// Manchester United fun \\🚩 🗣//= “I am Muslim, Islam is Perfect but I am not, If I make a mistake blame it on me, not on my religion.” ― 🗣=// I AM The Youth Ambassador of the club houses rooms Program brings together high school students and adult mentors from across the Western Hemisphere to promote mutual understanding, increase leadership skills, and prepare youth to make a difference in their communities.👆 🗣Bless us to bless others, bless those who bless us❤️🙏
