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Auset Fyah




I AM ENOUGH!!!! “What you seek is seeking you” - Rumi “We carry inside us the wonders we seek outside us” - Rumi “And the Day Came When the Risk to Remain Tight In a Bud Was More Painful Than the Risk It Took to Blossom.” – Anais Nin. Truth Seeker finding my voice Unlearning and Relearning Natural Gas Trader and Scheduler Truck dispatcher in training Serial business owner in the making Permanent Student Vocalist and Chanter: ***I do not consent to my voice being recorded or published out side of this clubhouse application *** LOVE chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo: Nam - Devotion to the Myō - Mystic Hō - Law of cause & effect Renge - Lotus Flower Kyo - Sutras & Scriptures (through sound) Hoʻoponopono - Ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness: I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you Shreem Brzee - wealth and prosperity Light Language Interests: Occult Knowledge 🧿🧿 Esoterics 👁 Metaphysics 👁 Mindfulness,Yoga, Meditation, Breath-work 🧘‍♀️ Tarot, Oracle, and Human design Astrology/Astronomy Alchemy Magick Sound working vessel Mathematics tutor Essential oils - DoTERRA wellness Rep Herbal living Organic farming Cooking Smoothie master Cash app - $sincere1004 ☀️ ♌️ ⬆️ ♐️ 🌚 ♎️ Venus ♍️ 9♦️/ Life path 5 / Human Design: 5/2 - Emotional Alchemist Generator