Ashley Proctor
Coworking maven & community organizer. Systems change & social justice. Entrepreneur, artist, activist, alchemist & auntie. As one of the founders of the global coworking movement, I help creative and collaborative leaders build, grow, and nurture, diverse & inclusive communities of care. Fighting for a just recovery for all. Shaping the futures of ‘work’ Current 🦕 Founder & Consultant, Creative Blueprint 🇨🇦 Executive Director, Coworking Canada 🤝 Co-Founder, Coworking Ontario Collective 🍁 Co-Founder, Coworking Toronto Collective ⚕️Founder, Coworking Health Insurance Plan 🚀 Partnerships & Growth - Canada, Deskpass Former 🌱 Executive Director, 312 Main (Vancouver) 🍁 Executive Producer, GCUC Canada 🔥 Partner, Foundery Coworking & Events 🎭 Founder, CB Studios & Galleries (Seattle & Toronto) 🔑 Director of Finance, Xpace Cultural Centre Contributing to: 🌎 A Just Recovery 💡 The Coworking IDEA Project (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Accessibility) 👉 Join the ‘Coworking Club’ and the ‘Coworking Canada’ Club (first 2 below) for notifications. Talk to me about: 🎨 Art, arts organizations, ✊ activism, advocacy, accessibility, abolition, 🤝 collaboration, ✨ coworking, 🌱 community land trusts, 👊 collective action, consulting, culture, COHIP, Deskpass, diversity, decolonization, 🦋 dismantling loneliness, digital nomads, equality, 👩💻 entrepreneurship, 📈 economic development, ethical leadership, ⏳ future of work, 🍎 food security, freelancers union, flexible work, 🌺 gardening, gender equity, 🚑 healthcare, human rights, hybrid work, inclusive movements, Indigenous rights, independent workers, ⚖️ a Just Recovery, land back, 💫 mutual aid, 🎵 music, 🌿 nature, neighbourhoods, organizing, people over profit, reconciliation, 🔥 resistance, 💥 revolution, 💻 remote work, social impact, social enterprises, small business, 🏃♂️space on demand, studios, ☕️ Seattle, Toronto, ✈️ travel, unconferences, 🏔Vancouver, workspace, Xpace, & your project ⭐️ 📍Toronto 📍Seattle 📍Vancouver 👉