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Arzu Barské




🧠 AI & Quantum Tech & Robotics & Process mining & Intelligent automation Technologies Business Innovator ✳️ Senior manager & G2M lead for Intelligent Business automation & Process Mining practice Northern and Central eastern Europe at a leading LGE consulting corporate. ✳️ I share my personal opinion, doesn’t represent my corporate() profile ✳️ Member of Rotary International AUTHOR 📘 “Big Data Business Guide/2013” 👉🏻 📘 “Buyuk Veri/2014” 👉🏻 NETWORK ✨+ 100K LinkedIN network ✨ Owns an AI/Bigdata Linkedin group INVESTMENT 💰Startups & Investors G2M & Growth advisor 💰Stocks & Crypto & Real Estate 💰Designed Payroll systems HIGHLIGHTS ✨ Managed an AI research Consortium funded by European Union Horizon 2020 program X_Evaluator AI/Robotics European Commision X_Fujitsu (Country lead AI & Quantum & RPA solutions & delivery) X_Unilever Spreads(Global Sr. manager R&D digital systems) X_ENGIE (Solutions sales & delivery Product Mng, AI & Big Data & IoT) X_Turkish Airlines Inc., Analyst Programmer X_Owner Innovizio X_Software Engineer X_Information Management Teacher Owns Owns Tea plants 🍃 agri fields PUBLIC SPEAKER 🎤 in advanced technologies & innovation & metaphysics INTERESTS ✨ Metaphysics studies & Space & UFO & Archeology & Mythologies & Art 🎨 ✨ Former PR of Turkish UFO & Paranormal Organization (TUVPO) ✨I live currently in the Netherlands, grew up in Istanbul. My ancestry is an indigenous native Caucasian Laz-Colchidian, an endangered folk, represented in the Golden Fleece & Jason and Argonauts mythology as the folk of the Princess Medea and Ancient Colchis is located by the Ararat mountain. ✨ My folk speaks an endangered(protected by Unicef) language called -Lazuri- an ancient vocally transmitted language that has routes to Hittites & Urartian cultures. ✨ Daughter of Former Colchidian Laz ethnicity cultural leader, politician, and author & poet Yilmaz Erdogan(5 Turkish published books in politics, poetry, theology, metaphysics, former co-editor Lazuri Publication -Ogni-).