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Artemisia Turiya




The one whose mind is silent by nature and who does not care about existence or non-existence breaks away from past memories like a person coming awake from a dream. ||14-1|| - Ashtavakra Gita Just be πŸ™β€οΈπŸ•‰πŸ’« Nothing more What is money worth if you can't use it to buy your freedom? - Christopher Ryan This is not a rehearsal πŸ’€ Someone asked Eckhart Tolle, β€œWhy is it that we need to awaken? We all die anyway!” Does it make any sense that you might be in conflict with yourself? What does it mean to be? What is going on here in/as the universe? πŸͺWhat are we? πŸ‘€. Pursuing insight, phenomenology, reason, reflection. Even if something like what ypu think happened, it didn't happen the way you think it did. 🌠🌟🌌 I thrive on backcountry exploration/immersion in natureπŸ’«; silence and just being; sleep, nutrition and body n=1 explorations (hiking, keto/carnivore, HRV, sleep tracking...). What is consciousness? What is identity? What is neuroscience shedding light on? I am also interested in physiology of metabolism, microbiome 🦎, food as medicine, athletic performance πŸ‘£, consciousness during sleep, modes of learning, possibilities of humans changing... There is a pervasive lack of critical thinking, propaganda taken as fact, lack of open mindedness and creativity, greed and lack of understanding about sources of true happiness. These things are part of the foundation of our unsustainable planetary situation. 🐝 πŸ’« I have pursued natural resource management, math and physics 🌘.., Many other things in between. Short precious life. Great opportunity. Is each day and moment aligned and authentic? ☯️ Current reading on Clubhouse: Metzinger's The Elephant and the Blind An open mind is a beautiful thing. Houses I frequent: The Origin of Light Neurophysics Godel's Parallax Advaita Vedanta Satsangh πŸ¦‹β€οΈπŸ”± When having a tough time, forgetting about it and exercise are often the best answers...A forgotten problem isn't such a big deal... There is an unending ever present beauty, oh yes! πŸ’« What are you afraid of ❀️πŸ”₯ Just beπŸ™πŸ•‰β€οΈπŸ’«. Nothing more Rumi: No being is unconnected to that reality, and that connection cannot be said. There, there's no separation and no return... ADDRESS YOUR MORTALITY DENIAL πŸ™πŸ’€ At a time in the not too distance future, the entire experience which you call your life will not exist at all. Now is the only chance you have or will ever have. Be honest with yourself and identify what really matters.