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Arnaud AUGER




🇫🇷🇺🇸🏦 D. Head of BNP Paribas innovation lab in📍San Francisco 🌉 + Auteur du 1er livre en Français sur Facebook Marketing + 7 ans aux US 🇺🇸 🎙Créateur:🇫🇷Analyse de l’actu tech US🇺🇸 par Les Francophones en Silicon Valley 🌉 (room du French Startupers Network club) — 🇫🇷🇺🇸🏦 D. Head of BNP Paribas innovation lab in📍San Francisco 🌉 Passionate about #fintech for #FinancialHealth Also: Interviewed bi-weekly on BFM Business 📺 (French equivalent of CNBC) about Tech innovations in the US 📚 Wrote the first book in French about Facebook Marketing. Creating rooms about: 💵 Personal Finance / Fintech 🧬 Biohacking : how tech innovations can help improve our health 📖 book-club on clubhouse with authors (coming) ⚽️ OM Olympique de Marseille Let me know if you would be interested in any of these conversation topics Other interests: frenchtech startup innovation banque bank finance communication marketing ehealth esanté scaleup investissement investment soccer football technology culture international diaspora sociologie philosophie ethnologie social media marketing digital marketing growth open innovation google facebook twitter amazon tesla airbnb apple France clubhouse frenchy french Francais Français expat expatriate voyage travel foodtech healthtech transformation podcast webmarketing celsa entrepreneurs sorbonne hec passion creator economy biohacker ethics Ping me here 👇