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Ariel Wills




Arts and Illustration Design, Latina, Jewish 🇲🇽💃🏻she/her/ella📍LA, CA Book arts-publishing-experimental publications and self-publishers let’s collab! Ariel Wills She/her/hers MA, Nature-Culture-Sustainability Studies, Rhode Island School of Design, 2021 BA, Humanities, University of Oregon, 2014 @arielwillsart, A recent graduate from Rhode Island School of Design’s Master’s in Nature-Culture-Sustainability Studies, I am motivated to translate stories into art and build visual narrative work to cultivate communities of care. My artistic practice is instigated by a quest to engage tacit knowledge through the lens of the arts and cultural heritage. I situate my research in debates of material culture, Feminist criticism, cultural studies, Post-colonial criticism, interdisciplinary humanities, and political ecology, exploring how practices of making sustain cultural heritage. Through observation and engagement with overlooked traditions, I create artifacts of remembrance which combine fiction and autobiography in a tangible form. I hold a BA in Humanities with concentrations in Spanish, Dance, and Studio Arts, and have worked and studied internationally in Mexico, Israel, and Spain.