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April Floyd




Writer, all-around book fiend, love words like a kid loves cake. I put the drama in melodrama. Owner of Maids in Alaska cleaning company ✒️JAFF (Jane Austen Fan Fiction) author 👄 TALK DARCY TO ME 📇Indie author since 2015 ✏️Proofreader/Copyeditor (Cozy Mystery, Historical Fiction/Romance, Paranormal Romance) 🏃‍♀️Writing in sprints (Pomodoro method) 🤞2 serials in Kindle Vella 👰🏻‍♀️NEW RELEASE: JAFF: Mr. Darcy’s Forbidden Love - Mr Darcy waits too long to make his feelings known to Elizabeth but another gentleman is not so conflicted. Will Mr Darcy lose his true love? The book is up for order on Amazon 👰🏻‍♀️ Defining myself, as opposed to being defined by others, is one of the most difficult challenges I face.” —Carol Moseley-Braun Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly.” —Langston Hughes “If there is a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, you must be the one to write it.” —Toni Morrison CLIFTON STRENGTHS: 1. Restorative - why I enjoy editing - crave the challenge to perfect the written word. 2. Input - why I enjoy researching/assembling information 3. Connectedness - “No wo/man is an island” *bridge builder/big picture* 4. Intellection - Think, muse, reflect - I get lost in my own head all the time! 5. Developer - Encourage/mentor others to excel.