Carmen Sullemun
Apostle Carmen shares: “God has placed a burden in my heart for His People, and her life purpose is to minister to the inner hurts of those who others have pushed aside and left to become “marginalized people”. Marginalized people are those who feel shut out, but are fighting, struggling to survive daily living. All of us need to know that there is a purpose to this life, and there is hope even when all seems to have fallen apart. Women are a segment within those marginalized people who need to know that Abba did not create them as second class citizens, but as His creation with hope and promise. She has taught in the public school system (in New York and Florida) as a special education teacher; served an associate pastor; as well as an intercessor with various ministries. She enjoys reading, studying and writing as well as counseling and teaching. And most of all she willing and loves to worship the Yahweh, the Most High God. She deeply believes (and acknowledges) that God not only sees us, but says, “[we] you are a chosen people, a holy nation; a people belonging to God. Once [you] we were not a people, but now [you] we are a people of God…” (1 Peter 2:9-10)