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Antwan Harris




Student/Teacher/Apologist and loyal member of Absolute Bible Truth Ministries (ABT) since 2011 “When you want to help people, you tell them the truth. When you want to help yourself, you tell them what they want to hear.” - Dr. Thomas Sowell “You must know the conditions that your belief could be false, in order to justify your confidence in the belief.” - Boghossiab Head teacher/ Pastor: Bro. Josh @joshuah2 Reader: Bro. Zachariah @biggbaby97 Co-teachers: Edler David @renklaf18 , Antwan Harris @antwanharris , LaVar Maben @lmaben , Stanley Sylvain @thesangster , Drey Gates @gates84 ,Bro. Kevin @kevofthedust , Jack Chatman @benaiah82 Inspirational Leader: Ariel  @arielinspires LIVE Sabbath Classes every Saturday  at 5:30pm EST, also music begins 5:00pm EST (319)5276197 CH: Absolute Bible Truth “Absolute Bible Truth Ministries is a congregation that believes in the Most High God of Israel and his son, Jesus Christ. We believe that the Bible contains the ABSOLUTE TRUTH and so we focus on TEACHING  the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth concerning the UNCUT Word of God, while leaving out all personal opinions, speculations and beliefs.” @joshuah2 If you would like to donate to the ministry please do so at: Cashapp - $ABTMs, PayPal - Please Visit the ABT’s online store at: Absolute Bible Truth links Bro. Josh: @brojosh YouTube - Absolute Bible Truth Ministries Elder David: @renklaf18 YouTube - Trebor Renklaf Bro. LaVar: @lmaben YouTube - Absolute Bible a truth Ohio Bro. Antwan: @antwanharris Clubhouse - Change My Mind: “Bible” Bro. Stanley: @thesangster Clubhouse - Stan’s Bible Talk Bro. Ariel: @arielinspires YouTube - Ariel ABT YouTube - Ariel Inspires Clubhouse - Prayer Sessions, Lions Alliance Head Coach of World Class 7v7 Ig: @world_class_7v7 🇺🇸