Antti Korhonen
Finn, co-founder & CEO of edtech accelerator xEdu, co-founder of Edtech Finland & European Edtech Alliance. Co-founder of EduImpact VC (uses now brand name Sparkmind). Apply now to our new accelerator program NextEdu in Torino (Turin) at wonderful OGR Torino! 1981: top 50% in a skiing competition (U12 category) in my hometown where we also rent our villa at 1992; Recording with LA Symphony. 2003: Performing in Japan’s best classical concert of the year chosen by the Japanese music critics at Sumida Triphony Hall, Tokyo. 2006: Performing with Singapore Symphony Orchestra. 2016: Recording with Minnesota Symphony. Yes, really. But not alone. With YL Male Voice Choir. Creator of that as a Slush side event has come the biggest edtech startup gathering in Europe. We also host Nordic & Baltic finals of Global Edtech Startup Awards at XcitED. Back in 2005 at Nokia I initiated and co-authored the book ’Work Goes Mobile’ about the changing nature of work and how companies can support that. Many said it cannot or should not be done. And then, 15 years later, everything changed overnight with corona. It could be done. It had to be done. School is not a place, University is not a building. They are services with digital, physical and augmented elements. And social. [email protected] Private Insta & Twitter username same as in Clubhouse.