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Antonina Boatman




I am a Coach & Strategist to Corporate Women Leaders of Faith. I am also a Color Street Independent Stylist. I help Corporate Women Leaders of Faith who are unfulfilled despite their corporate success, design a life of fulfillment, freedom, and impact doing what they’re called to do and not just what they have to do. As a Team Leader with Color Street I get to change lives by wearing and sharing 100% real dry nail polish strips. Yes you can have a beautiful salon quality at home manicure in minutes! Zero dry time, smudge free, no heat, and no special tools required. I lead a team of less than 20 people and as a new team of only 7 months, we’ve generated over $35K in sales with $11-$14 nail polish strips.🤩 •Believer •Wife •Mom •Lives in Las Vegas, NV •Born and Raised in Milwaukee, WI •Green Bay Packers Fan [email protected]