Karima Andrea
🌈Rainbow Reiki professional healer. Coach. Public speaker.Disability advocate. I coach disabled vets and special needs families and help them see the possiblities through their disabilities and situations. You can rock any challange! Let me show you how. I also offer help to get clients in press.(If you want it you can have it!) Thank you Jeneration PR. Looking to co-moderate about: Coaching, disability,vets,connection healing, podcasts. 🎤My podcast is being re-launched. «Bliss on with Mia» I am volunteering In areas from coaching to Rainbow Reiki.To connect: [email protected] New site coming soon! I offer pop-up rooms where you can set-up your free Rainbow Reiki healing session. I also offer free guided meditations 🔮which suits your needs. TM meditator. (Transcendental meditation) Ayurveda enthusiast. Teacher of a course in miracles . A Priestess. Certified women’s facilitator. Studying herbal medicine for women. Mogul influencer. Audiobook addict. Anthropologist + fashion strategist. Clubhouse goals: 🎤 Speak in order to give value. 🙏🏻 Listen 🎧 and learn. Connect Help people heal. I am looking for: women 🔈 speakers Disability advocates Coaches Ayurveda practicinors Yoga teachers 👩🏫 Music fans 🎼 🎶 🎵 Web designers Readers