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Anthony Lemme




Healer | Writer | Adventurer | Awe and wonder enthusiast | Advisor to some of the world’s most accomplished and extraordinary people ✨Facilitator of trauma resolution, seemingly “miraculous” healing, nervous system optimization and major well-being upgrades 🔬One of the only practitioners/“healers“ on the planet with third-party, scientific studies verifying the effectiveness of their methods in eliminating the symptoms of depression, anxiety and PTSD. (MD and PhD scientists doing before, after and follow-up brain scans of patients in conjunction with their self-reporting 🌍 I’ve worked on six continents with thousands of people encompassing just about every walk of life and condition imaginable - from prisoners of war, victims of human trafficking, apartheid, genocide, torture, molestation, rape, unspeakable traumas, serious illness and injury, to Academy and Grammy award winners, famous billionaires, royalty, professional and gold medal Olympic athletes, Nobel and Pulitzer prize winners, unsung heroes fighting the good fight, to everyone in between. 💥And throughout that journey I’ve seen over and over and OVER again that just about anyone, regardless of circumstances and resources, can overcome just about anything with the right information, the right mindset, the right practices, the right determination and the right support. 👊🏻There’s a lot of outdated and disempowering bullshit out there regarding healing, trauma resolution, well-being and what we as humans are capable of that’s woven itself into the fabric of our minds, bodies and culture. Don’t believe it. Instead believe that we can be bigger than our circumstances, our environment and our history and live lives of freedom, joy, clarity, connection, contribution and radiant health. ❤️Here to listen, learn, share and connect. 🧘‍♂️Not here to be a guru or to sell anything to anyone. If you’d like to get in touch, you can DM me or send an email to [email protected].