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🧘🏽‍♀️Mindfulness Educator, 🦋Transcendence Catalyst, and 💪🏽Empowerment Wellness & Life Coach helping women recognize & release past failures, pains, & outdated subconscious programming so they are equipped to create the life they want. #1 Best Selling Author 📖, Founder of GFI, Speaker🗣,Video Podcast Host🎙& Writer Creator of the N.I.K.K.I. Method(TM) to tap into self-compassion, growth, trust, & more💕 N(otice) I(ntrospection) K(nowledge) K(indness) I(mprovement) The thoughts you think, words you speak, breath you take, & foods you eat all affect how you feel & how you feel about yourself. Awareness is the foundation! You don't find yourself, you create yourself. I teach you how 👀 Did you know that FAILURE is F(iguring it out) A(s you move) I(ntentionally without) L(osing focus on the) U(ltimate goal you envisioned) R(esetting brings about) E(xcellence) Mindset & Emotional Health are the foundation of optimal health. Excited to see you grow ❤️ - When you win, we all win! Wellness is a lifestyle 🍃 ❤️🍃❤️🍃❤️🍃❤️🍃❤️ * Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach * Certified Holistic Health Coach * Certified Life Coach * Certified Draw Your Future Consultant * Certified HeartMath Professional * Mindset & Perspective Shift Catalyst 🗣️ LET'S TALK ABOUT 🗣️ * Creating rather than finding yourself * Words Matter * Breaking nonfunctional eating habits * Self-compassion & trust * Taking responsibility for yourself & life * Creating healthier habits * Nonfunctional thought patterns (mindset) * Are you eating based on someone else’s expectations? * Is "I've always Been this Way" still serving you?       🤝 LET'S COLLABORATE 🤝 I love all forms of wellness & healing. I'm always looking for heart-centered practitioners & coaches to build my referral network. 🤝 Let's connect. Be Well with Nikki on all platforms.          ❤️ MY HEART ❤️ Dog mum Dance (especially ballet, contemporary, & lyrical) Neuroscience, Brain Health, Mental & Emotional Health, Being your best friend Me at the core...🧠 INFP, HSP, Pisces ♓ but not limited by those traits...are you? Join my clubs: your VIBRATION club🦄☀️🕯☮🌱💯