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Anna Hornby




@folkandtale @annahornby 📸Fine Art | Lifestyle | Personal Branding Photography It can seem like the market is flooded with brands competing for custom but people buy from people who they know, like and trust. I photograph entrepreneurs and empower them to show up professionally. So that they can promote their business with confidence in order to grow and thrive. Even if they don’t know how to pose or feel awkward in front of the camera. 🖥 📜Degree in Fine Art Photography NTU Alumni Click Pro Elite 📸 🏆Click Pro Top 100 Female Photographers to watch in 2021 Ask about Travelling! I’m British and have lived in Vietnam, South Africa and Canada - Travel and exploring food and culture is my passion! 💡Inspirations include: William Eggleston, Nan Goldin, Ernst Haas, Annie Leibovitz, Steve McCurry, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Tim Walker, Joannes Vermeer, Caravaggio, Terri Hoffard. 📚Currently reading: Heart Minded Sarah Blondin & Elizabeth Gilbert “Big Magic: How to live a Creative Life, and Let Go of Your Fear”.