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Amy Nicholls




Tattoo artist. Master Barber. Podcaster. Amateur Model. ⭐️Here to listen and learn.😊🙏❤️ Want to increase my influence and hear from those who’ve done it best! ✳️ ‘Diary Entries’ are drop in convos that can get really good. Mostly, I like to discuss professional learning and continuing education… but it could go beyond the pale 😏. Diary Entries via Apprenticeship Diaries✳️ Apprenticeship Diaries✳️ is now a Club! We discuss Professional Education 👨‍💻👩‍🎨👩🏽‍🚀👨🏽‍🚒👩🏻‍⚖️👨🏻‍🎓👨🏼‍🔬, Share growing up stories, and Commiserate over challenges💪. 👀Thoughts Beyond the Pale✳️ A club that encourages the respectful flying of Freak Flags🚩 Follow the club and look out for these squirrelly rooms.🐿 Tattoo Artist: @anichollstattoos ⭐️for all inquiries: 🎨I’ve been an artist all my life. Tattooing for 15 years now. ⭐️I specialize in creating custom work for my clients which aids them in invoking their personal brand on a visual/tattoo level. ✂️ I’m a licensed Master 💈 I have 6 years in the beauty/hair industry as a foundation of my professional career. 🎙Host of The Apprenticeship Diaries Podcast. Found wherever you listen to podcasts: ⭐️A Podcast where RAW meets REFINED: How the tattoo artists and professionals we revere, got started. ⭐️ The podcast is about beginnings and is, in itself, a moving apprenticeship in podcasting (I knew I wanted to podcast before I knew how!😅). So this is a personal journey too. Please: 📩🔗DM us on IG if you’d like to share your origin story and be interviewed. Other accomplishments: I completed my Competent Communicator in Toastmasters. 🥂🍻 🍑 I also nude model for fun and personal expression. If anyone is interested in my modeling ventures: 🐇 IG: @beyondthepaletattoo 🖼 My Art Studio IG: @beyondthepaleartstudio