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Angel Grant




NICU Health Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Nurse Consultant BSN RN Magnify Healthcare Solution CEO • I am conscientious healthcare professional whose specialties include Outpatient Obstetrics and Gynecology, Neonatal Intensive Care, and Pediatrics. At the core of my diligent people-oriented service is my unquestionable passion for equitable care with my heart firmly set on seeing this change implemented throughout the healthcare system. This forms the basis of my competence as a NICU Health Equity Consultant and Founder of Magnify Healthcare Solutions, a firm that helps healthcare organizations confront and develop solutions to systemic inequalities. My mission is fueled by the untimely passing of my father who was a victim of healthcare neglect; an injustice that has since served as the driving force to my desire to prevent such disparities by getting it right the first time. With 10 years of nursing experience that include working at some of the leading pediatric hospitals in the country as well as local community hospitals, I evolved to be more than a bedside nurse. I became my patients’ biggest advocate by ensuring that no matter how they looked like or who they were, this wouldn’t affect the quality of care they received. I further advance this gospel by creating a guide that will make the provision of true equitable care a priority for everyone, and specifically to minority communities. My thought leadership, solid work ethic, and dedication are distinctively community-focused with the aim of making a lasting impact on people’s lives. I optimize on my unique approach which entails changing the mindset and convincing others using real-life examples. I am an equally passionate and dynamic speaker with the ability to make complex and hard-to-talk-about topics easier to understand for my audience. I am honest, timely, organized, charismatic, and always has a warm smile while creating a good rapport in my speaking engagements. I am also the facilitator of Hey Nurse Angel, a program that offers nurse education to new moms and their growing families. I am most in her element whenever I am fulfilling my calling to serve others. Contact me at [email protected] Www.