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Angela Mazzi




🐲 Architect, researcher, firm partner, mother, yogi, type A fatalist FAIA, FACHA, EDAC ✨ exploring the CULTure of Architecture. If you believe design can change the world, let’s connect! 🎙Listen to Architecting podcast my show focussing on providing resources for the architect as a person. 🏢🍃 Hosting ARCHITECTS AS HEALERS: BUILDINGS AS MEDICINE Mondays at 9:00 am EST 🗣Hosting CRITICAL CONVERSATIONS - look for announcements DM me CLUBHOUSE on IG and I’ll send you a link to my Free resource==> The Roadblock Quiz to help you discover what’s keeping you stuck professionally 📣 Featured in NYT, Healthcare Design Magazine, Health Facilities Management Magazine, speaker at SXSW, TEDx ⏰Read my book Time Builder and never say “I’m too busy,” again. Manage time in a whole new way to get more out of your daily 24. Start living your best life right now! 📕Read my book Career Crisis - my coaching in literary form- to help you tune in to your big why 🔥 and get your game on to have an impactful career 💡 🌿I specialize in salutogenesis (design for well being) through my work as a healthcare architect, researcher and feng shui practitioner