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Angela Briles




Creator - Mother Lands Foundation I Am a Mother, redesigning the world for future generations. Purpose-to bring about an END to exploitation (particularly pertaining to housing, food, education, healthcare) Mother Lands is a design template for a prosperous society that serves the whole. It is the kind of society a loving mother would design for her children to grow. Mother Lands foundation– Mother Lands is a design for what society could be. It includes a foundation and a network of villages where each village contains a collection of businesses and nonprofits. The main nonprofits are: housing, permaculture, right education, whole health The businesses are whatever one can dream up. The village is all-inclusive and functions as one entity where business pays for the nonprofits, making each village its own philanthropist and investor and ending housing and food insecurity. The foundation is the hub meant to gift money to the building of each village and each village gifts back to the foundation to create more villages making the whole Mother Lands system completely self-sustainable and self-efficient.