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Andy Gilbert




💥 Performance coach to CEO’s & senior teams in £1bn+ companies. Author of 20 books, facilitator, possibility thinker & catalyst for achieving results quicker. 💥 Making the world a brighter place by helping 100m people to think differently and have lightbulb moments. My purpose is to improve your world through better thinking. 💥 Developer of the Go M.A.D. (Go Make A Difference) Results Framework used by large companies in over 40 countries -sometimes to improve team performance, sometimes to accelerate projects, sometimes as cultural glue across an entire organisation to engage & empower people to Go Make A Difference. Author of 20 books including: 📚Go M.A.D. - The Art of Making A Difference. 📚Go M.A.D. about Coaching. 📚How to Save Time & Money by Managing Organisational Change Effectively. 📚Who’s Driving Your Bus? 📚Transforming Managers Into Leaders. 📚Engage & Empower 💥 Managing Director of Go MAD Thinking - an innovation, change & performance improvement consultancy. Contact: Twitter @gomadthinking @andygomad 250+ Podcasts: Thinking for Business Success with 3m+ downloads. 🧸Please watch my 17 mins TEDx talk: “The Art of Making A Difference”. If this resonates with you in achieving personal or business success & you are a leader interested in engaging & empowering people to accelerate results or enable change, then I am always happy to explore possibilities. 💡💡💡It’s always best to connect with me via for professional consulting & collaborative conversations (please mention ClubHouse & specify your reason for requesting to connect so I can understand the difference you are seeking to make)💡💡💡 PS If you have read this far and would like a free coaching session from me then just download the free “Thinking For Good” app. to help yourself have lots of 💡moments. Then share with the rest of the world.