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Andrea Crest




Hey! 👋🏽 I’m Andrea Crest, a parenting coach and child advocate. 💛 After over thirteen years in the world of early childhood development 📚 I shifted to a career in Human Resources 🗂 where I became intimately familiar with the unique pain points of successul professionals—particularly in their home lives. I encountered person after person who was wildly successful at work, 🏢 but struggling to achieve that same level of success and satisfaction at home. 🏡 I’ve since combined my professional experiences and I now work with c-suite executives, business owners, and high level professionals to transform their households so they can parent effectively and authentically. Using my proprietary framework, my clients achieve success in parenting by leveraging the same skillsets they use every day at work and in business! 🗃👨🏽‍💻📑 “If you can lead a team, you can lead a family. If you can run a business, you can raise a child." -Andrea Crest Interested in learning more? Let’s connect! 🥰