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Carolynn ni Lochlainn




GEDMATCH KIT #JS5531096 Your hostess with the mostest at From Paper To People Podcast. Founder of Reparational Genealogy Clubhouse and Social Justice Saturdays - a workspace to discuss & execute cooperative, social justice & human rights genealogy projects. Ancestors Alive! Genealogy - #IWelcomeAllCousins since 1980. #SocialJusticeSaturdays will return on Zoom, simulcast through The Reparational Genealogy Clubhouse, alt Saturdays at 3pm ET. Backchannel me for Zoom invitation. I'm a family tree technician - I build trees using family stories, Ancestry & FamilySearch source documents to create starting points for clients, or to answer specific questions. I use AncestryDNA to help solve mysteries. I teach how to use online tools in family history, as well as best practices and best evidence in taking folklore, collecting recipes & family foodways, and most important, how to practice reparational genealogy. 🌳 Reparational Genealogy explained: Reparational Genealogy is a moral imperative: social justice work that all non-Black genealogists should perform, making obscure, family-held, or otherwise hidden records about enslavement available to descendants of the enslaved. It also includes volunteering to help clean and restore historically-Black cemeteries by joining the organizations who direct that work. Key to reparational work, however, is giving pro bono research to those who want it. When I provide lessons and support to diasporic African novices, I enable diasporic Africans to continue their own research. If you're LDS, it's also about transferring trees to FamilySearch (free membership for all!) from Ancestry. I spend MOST of my time on reparational work. I'm here to coordinate that work with other researchers. I also research for & teach lessons to Anglo/Euro-American clientele at an hourly rate. I #TeachTruth. Chances are I want to interview you for my podcast. 🌐 πŸŽ™πŸŽ§ ▢️ Reparational basics: πŸŽ“ BA in US History, Indiana University, Bloomington πŸŽ“ JD, Indiana University School of Law, Bloomington πŸ‘΅Member, Daughters of the American Revolution