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Amber Gale




Nonprofit Founder - Time Management Consultant - Writer - Blogger - Speaker - Special Needs Mom ————————— Founder of MORE for Caregivers - Nonprofit organization providing personal development opportunities (1:1 life coaching, workshops, etc) to parents of children with special healthcare needs Join our Clubhouse Club MORE for Caregivers to connect with other medical/special needs parents and gain support! 📣 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: If you have a passion for helping special needs parents with their personal growth, let’s talk!! ————————— Creator of Carpe Omnia planning. Meeting busy moms on their level, working together for six weeks to develop a customized planning system to track goals, progress, and make major shifts in a way that fits THEIR lives. ————————— About ME: 💙💛 Down Syndrome Advocate / Awareness ❤️💙 Congenital Heart Defect Awareness 🤱🏻 💗💙Mom of 2: Daughter is 11 years old, sassy, stubborn, and way too much like her mom. Son is 5 years old, loves cookie-monster and happens to have Down syndrome, CHD (HLHS), Trach, G-tube, and oxygen. 🍷 🎬 I drink wine while singing along to Anna Kendrick and High School Musical movies. 🍿 🍫 🧂🧈 Allergic to chocolate - but I always put M&Ms in my popcorn 📆📃📎 Office supply and spreadsheet addict. 📗📝Bullet journaling 🏎 Aggressive MarioKart player 💭 Enneagram 3 ————————— WHERE TO FIND ME: Consulting/Carpe Omnia—— Facebook: Amber Gale Instagram: amberleagale Awareness/Advocacy—— Facebook: Aaron and Amber’s Family Instagram: aaronandambersfamily Nonprofit—— Facebook: More For Caregivers Instagram: moreforcaregivers Other—— Email: [email protected] Schedule: