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Amanda Mcgregor




🇬🇧 Certified Meditation Teacher, Spiritual Life Purpose Coach & Crystal Therapist 🎙 Podcaster 🎓EFT/Tapping Master in training 💕Self-Care & Self-Love Activist 💫Crystal Dealer ☑️ CTAA Practitioner Member 💫How I Can Guide You? I guide women 40+, on their spiritual journey, to smash limiting beliefs, gain clarity on their purpose and reason, gain or increase their spiritual confidence and understand the importance of self-love, self and soul care on this amazing life path. I share the tools, methods, techniques and resources that you can use to form a deeper self-connection and connect with and use your spiritual energy to live an energy rich, amplified, fulfilled life. I work with crystals, meditation and use my skills as a Spiritual Life Purpose Coach, to help women transform their lives and form a deeper connection with their spiritual side... I also work with companies and organisations, to raise the esteem and reignite the purpose of their female workforce. I’m passionate about self-love, soul care and creating rituals to enhance your life 🧠Ask me about my Look|Think|Feel|Be method. I also host retreats and away days for companies and individuals. CLUBS 👉🏾Founder - Soulful Women 👉🏾Admin - Women Who Thrive If you’d like to co-host, send me a DM ➕Ping me into rooms about 💫Spiritually 💫Wellness 💫Mindfulness 💫Crystals 💫Meditation 💫Self-Love 💫EFT/TFT 💫Reiki 💫Women’s Coaching 💫Life Purpose 💫Self & Soul Care 💫Empowerment 💫Branding & Marketing 💫Yoga & Pilatés FOOD FOR THOUGHT 🧠 We are born with two fears! Fear of loud noises and fear of falling. Our other fears are learned, so f**k fear and do the damn thing, because life is not a rehearsal! Connect with me here [email protected] and here👇🏾