Tawanna Davis
⏩Founder and CEO of Kingdom Kidz Online Academy ⏩Building the Kingdom One Child at a Time ⏩Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he gets old, he will never depart frkm it. Proverbs 22:6 ⏩Register today at kingdom-kidz144.com. ⏩Follow us on Facenool https://www.facebook.com/Kingdom-Kidz-Online-Academy-111926378193945/ 📩 For inquiries, please email us [email protected]. ⏩ Follow us on Instagram @kingdomkidz144. https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=6h79ct33z3nr&utm_content=og6qugv ⏩Illustrator and parent of a child author : Adventures of. Super Kids :The Secret Plan Can be ordered at If your child is a fan of Dragon ball Z, then your child I will definitely enjoy readong my oldest son's book: Adventures of the Super Kids: The Secret Plan. Order here https://www.amazon.com/Adventures-Super-Kids-Secret-Plan-ebook/dp/B07H2MMM2Z/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=1MR9AG21HRJO4&keywords=Super+Kids+Nicholas+DeSandro&qid=1661044486&sprefix=super+kids+nicholas+desandro+%2Caps%2C223&sr=8-1 💲Donate to help us build the kingdom at : PayPal :[email protected]