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Alison Stookey




Let’s joyfully anticipate πŸ’‘ travel in these unprecedented times - I'm here to help you navigate βš“ river cruising, groups to the ✝️ Holy Land, and much more. Cultivating discipleship through the pilgrimage travel experience. ✝️ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ ✝️ Faith-based Group Travel βš“ River cruises experience 🚀 I will train you to be group travel leaders and travel-free. β›ͺ I’m a travel πŸ›… advisor for faith-based pilgrimages to encourage Christians to deepen their faith. These transformational experiences cultivate discipleship with service and friendship. I invite you to engage me with many topics in travel to the Holy Land, Rome, Ireland, Spain, Oberammergau, Lourdes, Fatima, France, Poland, European River cruise, and all sacred shrines. I enjoy wine πŸ‡ and most spirits, coffee, tea, good clean humor, saints, shrines, Irish music, cathedral lover, and any classic rock or country music before 1980. 40594