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Alicia Woods




I AM (Alicia Ministries) Because of THE I AM Minister, Mental Health Therapist(MSW, LCSW), Speaker, Singer, Life Insurance Agent and Restoration Coach I AM because of who God is in my life. In life we all have experienced challenges that have tried to steal from us whether it be joy, peace, sense of self, relationships and/or your stability in life. God created me as a living testimony that the enemy may try to steal all these things from you BUT GOD will RESTORE you. I am Coach RESTORE and I will coach you to restore and recover it all! Whole life prosperity is yours! “If I hide people can not be healed! I will not hide so you can be restored” 📬[email protected] CashApp: $LadyAliciaWoods For my single “No Fear”: It is on all streaming sources and my artist name is “Alicia Nicole” New Book Alert🚨 New Year, New Me Transformation Through the Words I Speak by Alicia Nicole Woods (book with 22 scripture based declarations on physical/mental health, career and finances, self esteem/self confidence and family declarations) Remember a new year and new year is not predicated upon a calendar date but any date you choose to like your words up with God’s! Back Channel message to get your copy or get it on Amazon. For one on one coaching email me at [email protected] #RESTORED #HealedandWhole #Wholelifeprosperity #IAMbecauseofTHEIAM #CoachRESTORE Facebook: Alicia Ministries