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Alexandra Charles




Plant medicine 🌿 sound therapy 🥣 meditation 🧘🏾‍♀️dreamwork 🛌 retreat house 🏠 breast cancer survivor 🎀 health and wellness/self-preservation/mental health, eco friendly and sustainable living 🌍 7 year breast cancer survivor here to let you know, there’s life after cancer. Host Dream Group sessions with spirituality minded individuals to tap into their dreams and visions for increased creativity, healing, and clarity. SVP Health and Wellness at EGAMI MM+M Women to Watch 2021 class Member of Women of Color in Pharma (WOCIP) and Member of Healthcare Businesswomen Association Owner of the Majestic Farmhouse Off The Beaten Path, a 100 year old farmhouse perfect to retreat, connect with nature, dream big, and explore!