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Alexander Straub




Entrepreneur & Polymath Straub Ventures SCIENCE ! ❤️ LOVE This Stuff #CountdownToMars  PRINCIPLES: It is no longer possible, to exclude nature from our economic analysis. INTEREST Science & Space & saving human mankind on earth 🌎 from decline due to climate change Venturing at the intersection of DNA 🧬 , Atoms ⚛️ and Software GOAL: Innovate so humanity has enough Renewable Energy to sustain living on Earth 🌍 🔴World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer 🟡Rhodes Scholar 🟢In search for the next stub Founder of Mondus, Truphone, Pixsta, Mankind 🏠Real Estate Investor, CoWorking, CoLiving, Disabled Living, Renewable (wind, solar), Green Computational AI Center Building 51 (sorry not 42) Disabled living accommodation at Kloster Dobbertin 100% Green Energy - Heating and Power 🏡 Seed Investor into Extraordinary People and Companies: Two Examples: 🧫 Arctoris „The Future of Research” - Expedite Drug Discovery with End to End Automation 🧬Probably Genetics „A rare genetic disease company“